From June 2 to 4 2022, the “YouthStart European Entrepreneurship Award” took place in Olten. The European competition honors entrepreneurial thinking and acting among young individuals. Business ideas from 10 different countries were submitted. The Swiss team “Project Triton” from Olten won in the category “(Social) Business Idea.”

Swiss team wins the category “(Social) Business Idea”
The winning places were awarded in three categories. In the “Real Market” category, ideas were presented that are ready for the market. The winner in this category was the Austrian project “Motic Cargobike,” which presented a new type of cargo bike.

The “Scriptorium Pens” project from Ireland, which developed stylish writing instruments made of wood, was also awarded first place in this category. The “(Social) Business Idea” category honors business ideas that so far exist only as concepts. Here, the Swiss project “Triton” was able to secure first place. The team from BBZ Olten won with the development of a new type of water turbine that can be used to produce environmentally friendly electricity, for example to charge smartphones, by running the magnetic coupling turbine in a stream while spending time in nature. The third category, “We Grow Together,” honored business ideas that can contribute to achieving the 17 global sustainability goals. The winner here was the Irish team “Know Your Buttons,” which developed a program to better protect children from abuse.

A total of 23 teams participated in the final round and the jury agreed that they were all winners.