Jascha Hunziker & Severin Bitterli, true entrepreneurs from Olten, Switzerland, impressed the jury and participants with their highly innovative product at the World Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge #WYEC of #NFTE in New York.
Read the quote from the two young entrepreneurs: „Sometimes the real price are the connections you can establish during a metup like this, because the network is what can make a company out of your idea. In the beginning our idea was to generate water out of the flowing waters which surround us in switzerland, then we implemented wind and human driven powersources. In the talk with different people from all over the world there are a lot of new uscases we havent thougth about, in New York there was Joseph Mahoney who told us about the usage for sailingboats which depend heavely on solar power now and have a problem if there are a couple cloudy days on open see, our concept fits right in there and can be a alternative source of power for those folks.“

We are greatful of the Support of Gebert Rüf Stiftung
Anna-Leena Marti, Stephanie Alvarado, Susan Mueller, Rolf Schmid, Sandra Kamber, Leandro Bitetti, Manfred Pfiffner, Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Rolf Häner, Maja Zehnder, Pascale Vonmont, Thomas Heimann, Regula Buob, J.D. LaRock, J.D., Ed.D.

Für das szUDH, Georg Berger